Use our free printable checklist!
1. Find a big, BIG bag that works for your sporting needs. I used a soft sided mesh bag like this one found:
2. Keep it packed with the items you need all season or year long. Here is what stays in my soccer bag all year: Sunscreen, Bug Spray, 2 Umbrellas (for rain but also for sun), instant cold ice packs (someone is always going to get hurt), athletic wrap, a resistance band for tight muscles, extra shin guards (always needed), hand warmers (winter), a sun hat (check siblings hats), a big empty trash bag, several plastic grocery bags, 2 extra pairs of soccer socks, first aid kit, an extra pair of goalie gloves, an extra goalie shirt, some random small toys that my daughter only sees when we are at tournaments, and two beach towels.
3. Put all jerseys, shorts, and socks back into this bag each time they come out of the wash. This helps you know where they are every time your kid asks even if it isn’t tournament time!
4. Train your kid to put all the equipment and shoes they take to practice and games back into (or on top of) the bag each time they return to the house. This is probably the hardest part!
5. Check for the most important items before the bag goes into the car at tournament time, then check it again! Use our free printable list! Our most important things and most left behind items are jerseys, shorts, socks, shin guards, cleats, and a ball. Most of the other stuff can be bought fairly quickly if need be, but you don’t want to be the mom that forgot the red jersey making the whole team have to change colors on the field five minutes before the game starts!
6. We love a pop up canopy, tent, chairs, chair bags, a rolling cooler, water jugs, and we even pack a lunch box (tackle box style) with ice and a cooling towel. Much needed in the Florida sun.
6. Leave the bag and other game related items in the car when you get to the hotel. There is nothing worse than making it all the way to the tournament with what you need and then leaving something in the hotel room.
These steps have allowed the planning and packing to run a lot more smoothly before the tournament. The free checklist is a great tool. What works best for your family? What are some things you leave in your bag all the time? Tell us at

Sarah P, Florida Soccer Mom,
I recommend taking a pop up tent for siblings. A tent like this was $80 on amazon. Easy to store flat, and it pops up with ease! It's changed the game for siblings.
Kaitlyn S, Georgia Soccer Mom,
snacks, snacks and more snacks. These kids will eat everything, don't forget the siblings too! we love protein bars, apples, and chocolate milk!